Teeth loss can be painful and heartbreaking. You don’t want to imagine the gap affecting your beautiful smile ever again. When you lose a tooth, the best way to restore your beauty and self-image is by going for dental implants.
There are many dental implant types you can benefit from. However, your dentist should help you choose the one that suits you best. After tooth loss, dental implants can enhance your oral condition in the following ways. Read More»
If you have a child who comes to you because they had a tooth get knocked out while playing, you want to make sure that you are handling the situation correctly. There’s a good chance that the tooth can be put back into place and that your child can have a healthy tooth again, especially if you do everything right. So, what should you do?
Stop the Bleeding
If your child is bleeding, you want to stop that first. Read More»
While everyone knows to schedule an appointment twice a year with their local dental hygienist to get their teeth cleaned, it can be difficult to know what type of dentist you will need to see for other dental issues. In fact, there are seven different types of dental specialists to help you. While good oral hygiene will prevent needing an appointment with most of them, here is a brief explanation of each type in case you do. Read More»
Around one billion people around the world regularly experience a migraine. Of these, some 39 million are in the United States. Migraines can range from being uncomfortable to being extremely painful. How do you treat your migraines? You might take pain relief to ease the symptoms, and chances are that you’ve discussed the matter with your doctor. But what about your dentist?
Dental Problems and Migraines
There’s a great deal of mystery when it comes to what actually causes migraines. Read More»
For all too many people, having an impacted tooth is a reality. Of course, you may know that something hurts, but you might not know that you have an impacted tooth until the symptoms are already causing discomfort.
Want to know more about what it’s like to have an impacted tooth? This is what you need to know.
Impacted Teeth Are Common
An impacted tooth is one that is not able to erupt from the gums, generally because there is something else in the way or because the tooth is coming in at an odd angle. Read More»