Dental Implants Can Make Your Smile Brighter

What Brushing Habits Should You Be Teaching Your Child?

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There will come a point where you’ll no longer be the one brushing your child’s teeth and they’ll need to start doing things on their own. That’s why it’s good to know what brushing habits you should be teaching your child as they start off since there is more to brushing than just moving the brush around in their mouth. Here are some good habits to teach them.  Making Brushing Part of a Routine Read More»

Planning On Dental Implants? What You Should Expect

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If you want to restore missing or damaged teeth, you may want to consider dental implants. Dental implants are strong, permanent posts and crowns that will allow you to have a nice smile and also provides strong teeth that allow you to eat certain foods. Dental implants are placed through a surgical procedure. Before you make a decision, you need to know what to expect from the dental surgery process: Read More»

How Vaping Is Bad For Your Oral Health

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Have you been wondering if your recent vaping habit has been having an impact on your oral health? It may be causing more damage than you think. Here is what you need to know about how you are causing damage to your gums and teeth. Staining Many people associate teeth staining with smoking cigarettes because cigarettes have tar inside them that ends up on the surface of your teeth. However, this can happen with vaping as well. Read More»

Do These 4 Things For A Good Dental Crown Experience

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Dental crowns protect teeth that are at risk for damage or decay. Patients are often given dental crowns following root canal therapy, but dental crowns can also protect teeth that have had extensive filling work done on them. Doing these four things will help you have a great experience wearing dental crowns: 1. Treat your dental crown with care. You can keep your dental crown in good condition by treating it with care. Read More»

Are You Considering Dental Implants? Here Are The Benefits They Offer

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Teeth loss can be painful and heartbreaking. You don’t want to imagine the gap affecting your beautiful smile ever again. When you lose a tooth, the best way to restore your beauty and self-image is by going for dental implants. There are many dental implant types you can benefit from. However, your dentist should help you choose the one that suits you best. After tooth loss, dental implants can enhance your oral condition in the following ways. Read More»